Sunday, August 19, 2012

Like This for Example

Here are few songs that I am loving right now:

Having to overcome thresholds

I haven't completely abandoned this blog, it just seems like it.  I haven't posted anything in about two months due to a number of things.  Work got extremely busy at the end of June and during this time I had to both find a new place to live and move in to it.  I had found the place the live with relative ease and planned on moving in after going home over the 4th of July holiday.  It was during that week home, that the hard drive on my computer failed and a new hard-drive got installed but I had several (and endless) issues with getting Windows installed (which is actually still not solved, which is what I get for not letting Orrin figure it out, which he might have to do next time I see him).  And now August is halfway over.  I am going to try to do a little catch-up blogging, not that anyone really reads this blog, but I like giving myself little writing assignments.  Plus is keeps my wit sharp.  And sometimes when I get upset and feel like I am going to cry out of frustration, sadness, loneliness, or just general melancholy, writing a post about what I am reading, thinking about, or something that makes me happy can snap me out of my mood.