Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Wondering and Wandering

After trading emails with my sister Rachel today, I realized that my birthday is in a week. I will be 23. I guess I thought that I would be established by now, or a least have a good idea of where my life is going. And I don't. I feel like I'm still waiting for my life to begin, considering that being a student isn't really considered a long-term career. And it really doesn't help that most people I know are married, or married with a dog, or married with children, or employed. And me, I'm still in school. I know that I only have one more year, but for some reason I am getting anxious for the next step in my life to begin. Maybe the novelty of school has finally worn off. Okay, I think that is enough melancholy mutterings...

"I'm trying to contain an outbreak here and you're driving the monkey to the airport"-Hank Hill

1 comment:

Henry said...

Hey Catherine,
On Aug. 1, I round the bend toward 32, and I am not established either. The dog and the kid don't make life happen. Just don't let it pass you by because you are in a temporary situation. We let our lives become "temporary" in all ways last year and it lead to misery that we are still working out. I missed out on a lot because I was in this "temporary situation that I have get out of". I haven't fly fished in 3 years or deer hunted and gave up many opportunities to hunt with my dog, just to get finished with something and get on to "life". Hell, we haven't even taken a vacation since we went to Britain 3 years ago and I missed most of Rachel's pregnancy. So, my point is, get on with the life you have, it is far healthier than waiting for the next one to may be waiting a long time, if you do it like I did.