Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Almost an Old-y Jones

Today, I am official 23 years old. I can't believe how fast the summer has flown by! I have my big presentation at work next week and then the following Monday I return to school to begin my thesis work. Yikes!
On Monday night, my cousins Lindy and Andrew came over for some dinner and playing cards. The three of us (Mom, Andrew and me) taught Lindy the official card game of Indiana : Euchre. I found out that what my family refers to as the kitty (the extra four cards after the others have been dealt) is actully called the widow. Lindy and mom almost beat Andy and I, but we were able to Euchre Lindy and Mom on the last hand of the game. So really playing with my sisters (an their alledged cheating) has made me a semi-decent card player. I haven't played Euchre in a really long time now that I think about it. And Lindy decided that she wanted to ride the mechnical bull at our County fair. Lindy claims that California doesn't have mechnical bulls (I am skeptical of this but I haven't been in many western bars in California so she maybe right). So I will let you all know the details of the particular insane adventure.

"I know that walk. Somewhere, someone's ass is about to be kicked."-Dale Gribble (refering to Hank Hill)


Anonymous said...

and we are not cheaters

Andy said...

yessss. high five for awesome euchre skills!

oh, and i tried to tell my brothers about the "widow" and they just called me an idiot. maybe if they heard it from you?

Henry said...

How can the child of two Indianans make it to 20 years old without learning to play Euchre? This is what happens when perfectly fine people move to California.

But, not when they move to Germany. We will be having at least one more child to make sure there is always a Euchre game available during snow storms, bad fishing, and deer camp.

Rachel said...

Yeah, it's just really sad that you feel so bad about your inferior skills that you have to accuse us of being cheaters.

Catherine said...

I believe I said alleged cheating.

Anne said...

We always warn people that play euchre with us that Kevin is very good at stacking the deck. The boys love to play euchre, however, I do not share their enthusiasm.
I heard all about the awesome meal that Andrew had at your house. Somehow, it didn't compare to our usual supper of cold cereal. go figure.
Happy Belated B-day!