Friday, September 22, 2006

Science on call

I had my first test of the year last night in Principle of Molecular and Cellar Biology. It actully wasn't to bad (despite my worry). It was an essay test, and I was able to write something for each question. (And being the nerd I am, I was actully excited to have a question about the repair mechanism for thymidine diamer. ) And also this week, I helped write the first exam for the class that I am TAing (I'm making it a verb). So this past week was a little busy, but I was able to relax after my test and enjoy one of my favorite activities: reading Discover magazine. And I learned this fun little fact. A study conducted by University of California Santa Barbra found that countries with higher levels of Toxoplasmosis were more neurotic. So I guess "crazy cat person" may actully be an apporiate description of someone.

"My dad making me learn 500 words for the SAT. He's such an autocrat" Connie Souphanousinphone
Bonus Quote: "What's an S A T ?"-Bobby Hill

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