So today, I felt a lot better about going to the lab and getting things done. Besides running PCR and purifying the PCR product, I also replaced the UV lamp on the water machine in the lab. Which reminds me of two things, one I don't understand why some lab machines use less common screws and two I love the toolbox in my car. The water machine in the lab uses a torque wrench (which I had in my toolbox). I am skeptical that most labs have that extensive of a toolbox. In my old lab at Purdue, I had to take apart a shelving unit that used hex bolts (again something that I have in my toolbox). I really do love my toolbox, it makes me feel like I can take apart or attempt to fix anything. My sister Lucy recently talked about something similar (when one of her co-workers said "Ask Lucy, she was raised like a boy"). Due to my childhood, I often think about the "typical" childhood of most girls my age. I am happy that I can change my own oil and work cows. Right now I am watching "Frontline/World" on PBS. They showed a short report about a terrorist cell in Toronto in which they interviewed a guy that infiltrated the cell before the cell was shut down. He said something about interesting about extremism. He said that being in the cell made him begin to think about joining the men( in the cell) with their jihad activities and that the wrong influences at critical points in life can completely alter your life. I've always wondered how someone becomes a fanatic for a cause, but maybe it only takes a few fanatics to create a huge movement.
OK, to let you all know that Frontline doesn't air only depressing stories, they aired a segment about "Play Pumps" which is a grassroots movement that installs little merry-go-rounds that can pump water while kids are playing on it. The guy who developed it was working in advertising in South Africa thought that women should not be spending to much time pumping water so he worked with an engineer to develop this merry-go-round/ water pump. The water gets stored in a little water tower and then the water runs to a tap. And the water tower has print public service announcements about HIV/AIDS awareness (which targets children specifically as they are the ones that are using the Play Pumps). Both the US government and rapper Jay-Z have raised/promised money to install these Play Pumps all over Africa.
"Wake up, Hank! These people kill 400,000 of their own satisfied customers every year!"-Dale Gribble
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
Sometimes we all get a little apathetic
So today for some reason, I am feeling completely apathetic about everything. I didn't want to wake up this morning which inevitably led to not wanting to go into the lab (which I did but mostly because someone else is working on the project with me.) Usually, I'm gung-ho about doing stuff in the lab, but for some reason I just don't want to do anything (but sleep). I think is maybe that I am putting in a lot of time in the lab and I have yet to see any real progress, but hopefully that will change. I think tonight I will just drink some tea and go to bed early.
"Hank, you are not Joseph's father. Dale is Joseph's father. Well, actually, John Redcorn is Joseph's father, but Dale doesn't know that. The point is, you are only his godfather. You are not supposed to take over for Dale until he is gunned down by federal agents. That is the agreement." -Peggy Hill
Bonus Quotes:
JOSEPH: You're telling me I'm from outer space? Like E.T.?
DALE: Actually, no. He was a purebred alien, and had a heart of gold. You're only half-alien, and at times can be a tad self-absorbed.
HANK: I guess you had your own idiot man-child to deal with.
BOBBY: That Joseph. He's really... really like his dad.
HANK: Yep. Those Gribbles are two nuts on the same sundae.
(Who wants ice cream now? Me!!)
"Hank, you are not Joseph's father. Dale is Joseph's father. Well, actually, John Redcorn is Joseph's father, but Dale doesn't know that. The point is, you are only his godfather. You are not supposed to take over for Dale until he is gunned down by federal agents. That is the agreement." -Peggy Hill
Bonus Quotes:
JOSEPH: You're telling me I'm from outer space? Like E.T.?
DALE: Actually, no. He was a purebred alien, and had a heart of gold. You're only half-alien, and at times can be a tad self-absorbed.
HANK: I guess you had your own idiot man-child to deal with.
BOBBY: That Joseph. He's really... really like his dad.
HANK: Yep. Those Gribbles are two nuts on the same sundae.
(Who wants ice cream now? Me!!)
Oh for the love of Harold Lloyd!
Well I had a very full and busy day today. As I mentioned yesterday, I went to the movies today to see "Pan's Labyrinth" which I really enjoyed. There are two stories in the movie, one about the little girl attempting to complete 3 task in order to be princess of a underground kingdom and the other about her stepfather attempting to kill remaining anti-Fascist rebels in the area. The director mixed different elements of mythologies from several cultures in a really interesting way. I think he also captured the brutality and grimness of post civil war Spain (the movie is set in 1944). As a result that were some scenes that were so intense (and a little gory) that you had to look away. And the end is really bittersweet. But the best part is the interesting visuals the director presents of the mythical creatures. The faun looked both a little bit like the classical man-goat but a little like an old-growth tree as well. I recommend the movie highly.
Finally after months of waiting, a new King of the Hill episode was aired on FOX. It was great, thank goodness that show is back on! And right now I am enjoy some silent shorts starring Harold Lloyd on TCM. If you haven't seen any Harold Lloyd movies, you really should. Some of the best physical comedy you will ever see was done by Harold Lloyd. His films are enjoying a bit of revival as of late due to TCM showcasing them on the Silent Sundays.
"If only I could get over these pre-coup jitters."- Dale Gribble
Finally after months of waiting, a new King of the Hill episode was aired on FOX. It was great, thank goodness that show is back on! And right now I am enjoy some silent shorts starring Harold Lloyd on TCM. If you haven't seen any Harold Lloyd movies, you really should. Some of the best physical comedy you will ever see was done by Harold Lloyd. His films are enjoying a bit of revival as of late due to TCM showcasing them on the Silent Sundays.
"If only I could get over these pre-coup jitters."- Dale Gribble
Saturday, January 27, 2007
No, not the queen of diamonds!!
I just finished watching "The Manchurian Candidate" on Turner Classic Movies "The Essentials." It was a little strange watching Frank Sinatra in a dramatic movie (since I have really only seen him in "On the Town" and "Guys and Dolls"). Even stranger is the fact that Angela Lansbury plays mother to man that is only 3 years younger than herself. But, I do like international spy thrillers so I did enjoy the movie. And there were a few parts that were funny as well. Specifically when Frank Sinatra is playing solitaire while trying to figure out the trigger (the queen of diamonds) for Raymond Shaw (who is the Manchurian Candidate) and the guy Frank's character is talking to keeps interrupting him to tell him the next play in the game. Tomorrow, I am going to the movie theater to see the Mexican movie "Pan's Labyrinth" which has received excellent reviews. It is supposed to very interesting visually, which is one of the main reasons that I would like to see it on the big screen. And Sunday also marks the return of King of Hill on FOX. Hooray!!
"Let's not wait these two minutes talking about things that will never be." -Connie Souphanousinphone
"Let's not wait these two minutes talking about things that will never be." -Connie Souphanousinphone
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Good to know
Your Theme Song is Back in Black by AC/DC |
"Back in black, I hit the sack, I've been too long, I'm glad to be back" Things sometimes get really crazy for you, and sometimes you have to get away from all the chaos. But each time you stage your comeback, it's even better than the last! |
What's Your Theme Song?
"Why would there be cheese on Betsy?"- Hank Hill (For those who don't know, Betsy is Hank's guitar)
Monday, January 22, 2007
And love, true love
Is it possible to be in love with a cookbook? Because I am! I love the King Arthur Cookbook mom got me for Christmas. It takes a Joy of Cooking approach by devoting parts of the book equipment and ingredients, but also on the specific food type (i.e. there is about 5 pages about different suggestions for ways to incorporate making bread into your schedule.) There are some many recipes in it as well. Last night, I looked through it and tabbed recipes I want to try, and there were about 75 recipes (at least). It is probably the most complete baking cookbook I have ever seen. The only glaring omission was a recipe for angel food cake. But having recipes for Navajo Fry Bread, Glazed Yeast Doughnuts, Boston Creme Pie, and Danish seems to make up for it. What I really like about it, is that the overall tone is very down to earth. When talking about English Muffins, the introduction says: "You can get pretty good English Muffins at the store, but if you want a challenge, you can make them from scratch. " Ah, L'Amour. (And now I'm totally ready to help mom run her bed and breakfast!)
HANK: I'm only going to read this once. "Hi, my name is Ladybird. I like long walks, my arthritis medication, and two cups of kibble a day. I'll try to outsmart you and get three cups, but I know you're too clever for that, Ms. Platter."
LUANNE: I don't know, Uncle Hank. She did write this letter and everything.
HANK: Trip's off.
HANK: I'm only going to read this once. "Hi, my name is Ladybird. I like long walks, my arthritis medication, and two cups of kibble a day. I'll try to outsmart you and get three cups, but I know you're too clever for that, Ms. Platter."
LUANNE: I don't know, Uncle Hank. She did write this letter and everything.
HANK: Trip's off.
Consider it done!
You Belong in the UK |
Blimey! A little proper, a little saucy. You're so witty and charming... No one notices your curry breath |
What English Speaking Country Are You?
"I already picked the country for our vacation: America. And the state: Texas. And the town: Denton. I don't care what their police did to that cyclist, it's still a good town." - Hank Hill
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Your Birthdate: August 2 |
You may watch someone from afar before you finally decide to make your move. It takes a long time for you to develop an attraction to someone. Generally, you prefer to pick who you love. Anyone who tries to rush you is in for some heartache. Number of True Loves You'll Have: 3 Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 4 You are most compatible with people born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, and 29th of the month. |
What Does Your Birth Date Mean For Your Love Life?
"Your initiative is really impressing me, and not just because you're ladies." - Hank Hill
Friday, January 19, 2007
The Third Man (so much better than the third wheel)
A few days ago, TCM aired one of my favorite movies "The Third Man". There are some many reasons that I love that movie. Firstly, the fab Joseph Cotton is in it. I love Joseph Cotton and I think he is one of the most underrated "classic" movie stars. He was a lot of movies that I really enjoy, i.e. Gaslight and Portrait of Jeannie. Secondly, it is the best movie that Carol Reed ever made. I think that poor Carol Reed gets a bad rap because "Oliver!" won best picture, which was not one of his better pictures (mostly because 2001: A Space Odyssey wasn't even nominated) . Thirdly, Orson Welles in the movie. He gets equal billing with Joseph Cotton, but you don't see him until about a third of the way into the film. So the first time I watched it, I kept thinking "Where is Orson Welles? When is his going to be in the movie?". And fourthly (and the nerdiest reason), it really shows post-war Vienna and the portioning of the city into zones. When I took a history class about Post-War Europe, my professor mentioned it as one of the best movies that showed what Vienna looked like after the war. Anyway, I highly recommend see the movie "The Third Man" if you get a chance.
Hank: "Everyone likes a hard worker"
Dale: "Of course they do! They do all the work for them!"
"Well, we would all like to make time for the roaches." - Dale Gribble
Hank: "Everyone likes a hard worker"
Dale: "Of course they do! They do all the work for them!"
"Well, we would all like to make time for the roaches." - Dale Gribble
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Alas, pro football is almost over
So, it is almost time for the Super Bowl. I personally am rooting for the Saints, because Drew Brees used to play for Purdue. I used to root for the Bears when Kyle Orton was the quarterback (again played for Purdue), but since he was replaced by Rex Grossman (who I think is an idiot). Anyway, the whole reason for me bringing this up is that Stephen Colbert had Lynn Swann on his show to help him slam the Bears, Patriots, and Colts. And his taunt for the Bears was the best: "Hey Chicago I'll tell you what's gross man, the Bears quarterback Rex Grossman. He turns it over more than a drunk sorority girl at a toga party. Also, your municipal government is notorious corrupt." I was quite impressed the Lynn Swann held his own and even let Stephen try on his Super Bowl ring (to which Stephen commented that he could wear it on his neck).
DR. TATE: Mr. Hill, you were born with no muscle mass here, no cushioning. For years you've basically been sitting on your spine. You suffer from a disease called Diminished Gluteal Syndrome, or DGS.
HANK: I don't understand. What does that mean?
DR. TATE: Mr. Hill, you have no ass.
Bonus Quote:
HANK: You want me to wear a fake heiny?
DR. TATE: Mr. Hill, are your shoes fake feet?
and of course
"My orthodic !!" - Hank Hill
DR. TATE: Mr. Hill, you were born with no muscle mass here, no cushioning. For years you've basically been sitting on your spine. You suffer from a disease called Diminished Gluteal Syndrome, or DGS.
HANK: I don't understand. What does that mean?
DR. TATE: Mr. Hill, you have no ass.
Bonus Quote:
HANK: You want me to wear a fake heiny?
DR. TATE: Mr. Hill, are your shoes fake feet?
and of course
"My orthodic !!" - Hank Hill
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Highlight of this week
What I am looking forward to this week? Bill O'Reilly is going to be on The Colbert Report on Thursday. I've been watching The Colbert Report for a couple weeks now, and man do I love Steve Colbert. He used to be on The Daily Show and then he was on Strangers with Candy (which is one of the funniest shows I have every seen). He is so tongue and cheek (which I love). If you can, I highly recommend catching the Colbert Report.
"You're damn right it wasn't! You think you're the only one who loved that truck? I spent the best years of my life in that truck."- Bobby Hill
Bonus Quotes:
"I can't believe it, I'm in your seat" -Bobby Hill
"I'm driving the hell out of this truck."-Bobby Hill
"You're damn right it wasn't! You think you're the only one who loved that truck? I spent the best years of my life in that truck."- Bobby Hill
Bonus Quotes:
"I can't believe it, I'm in your seat" -Bobby Hill
"I'm driving the hell out of this truck."-Bobby Hill
Monday, January 15, 2007
Put on your flannel pajamas and start your interpretive dance
After having no snow for the month of December and most of January, finally here comes the snow! Here is a picture of the courtyard outside my apartment:
And the weather is finally closer to the typical winter weather. The low for Tuesday night is 1. So time to break out my flannel pajamas (hooray!)
Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day as well. When I was in high school, instead of classes we would have an assembly and then have breakout discussion sessions (which were always interesting). The best part was that one of the college counselors would perform an interpretive dance for the occasion. I'm not sure if that was the best way to honor MLK but her heart was in the right place I guess. Perhaps I will prepare a dance for next Jan. 15th.
"Bethany, it does not matter if your avocaydoes are hard. Life is hard. You cannot make authentic guaycamowl out of lima beans and Ritz crackers. (hangs up) Oh, these people! Gringos" - Peggy Hill

Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day as well. When I was in high school, instead of classes we would have an assembly and then have breakout discussion sessions (which were always interesting). The best part was that one of the college counselors would perform an interpretive dance for the occasion. I'm not sure if that was the best way to honor MLK but her heart was in the right place I guess. Perhaps I will prepare a dance for next Jan. 15th.
"Bethany, it does not matter if your avocaydoes are hard. Life is hard. You cannot make authentic guaycamowl out of lima beans and Ritz crackers. (hangs up) Oh, these people! Gringos" - Peggy Hill
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Back-up singers and remakes
I'm watching an old John Denver concert on PBS and I can't help but be fascinated by the back-up singer just over his left shoulder. Firstly, there is only one back-up singer (not 2 or 3 which seems weird). Secondly, she keeps doing a strangest little dances for the songs. If you have ever heard any John Denver, you know that his music it not really dance music. So her dancing is just varying speeds of swaying and strange arm movement. And she reminds me of the back-up singers from the James Taylor tribute concert from a few months ago. One of the singers was a middle-aged white guy with glasses and long hair. I'm not saying that middle-aged men can't be back-up singers it just looked really weird.
On a completely unrelated note, a remake of the movie "The Hitcher" is being released this weekend. What I think is totally stupid, is that there is an ad for a sneak peek of the movie. Isn't the seeing the original movie a sneak peek? I can't believe how many remakes are getting made in the past very years. Thankfully most of the remakes are horror movies, hopefully I will never see a remake of "Citizen Kane" with Tom Cruise (or know of it's existence, if it does exist I can guarantee I will not see it).
"Damn zero-tolerance. Using a saw as a weapon makes about as much sense as using a gun to cut a two-by-four. That's how my dad built my tree house. How he cleaned it, too."- Hank Hill
On a completely unrelated note, a remake of the movie "The Hitcher" is being released this weekend. What I think is totally stupid, is that there is an ad for a sneak peek of the movie. Isn't the seeing the original movie a sneak peek? I can't believe how many remakes are getting made in the past very years. Thankfully most of the remakes are horror movies, hopefully I will never see a remake of "Citizen Kane" with Tom Cruise (or know of it's existence, if it does exist I can guarantee I will not see it).
"Damn zero-tolerance. Using a saw as a weapon makes about as much sense as using a gun to cut a two-by-four. That's how my dad built my tree house. How he cleaned it, too."- Hank Hill
Monday, January 08, 2007
There is no gel that can thwart me (as yet)
Today, I returned to the lab. I helped do some PCR work and then ran the PCR product on a gel. I was working with two other people who hadn't worked with gels in a while. Fortunately, I was able to recall most of what I have learned about pouring and running gels. As a result, I looked like I knew what I was talking about. And I got to use a computer that still had Window 3.1 on it (it is used to take pictures of the gels, so you can imagine that it didn't get updated regularly.) Tomorrow, I will be running the PCR product through a purification kit. And then repeat about 73 more times. Eventually I will be sequencing the PCR product to validate mutants (please note this is the tail-end of the Big Blue Assay that I worked on last year). In the mean time, my mom lent me her "Ultimate Dolly Parton" so I am enjoying listening to the CD in the evening. Hopefully I will have a more interesting post soon.
"What kind of a doctor are you anyway? Will you do something? What are all these machines for -- what about that laser? Use that laser on my husband right now!" - Peggy Hill
Bonus Quote:
" I'm not gonna be blind forever, you know. And the second I see some ass, I'm kicking it. " - Hank Hill
"What kind of a doctor are you anyway? Will you do something? What are all these machines for -- what about that laser? Use that laser on my husband right now!" - Peggy Hill
Bonus Quote:
" I'm not gonna be blind forever, you know. And the second I see some ass, I'm kicking it. " - Hank Hill
Saturday, January 06, 2007
hello gorgeous

Finally, pictures! (I got a digital camera for Christmas from my sisters)
Here is Ellis and Bridget

And Silas preparing for a nice day trip (with an empty daypack)

Ellis and his faux-hawk
HANK: Pass me some more of that cookie dough. Mmm! I never knew you could eat it raw. It's almost as good as ice cream.
LUANNE: You know, they make ice cream with cookie dough already in it.
HANK: Damn, sister, get me my keys!
Bonus quotes:
"I did what you couldn't do. Now, I'm not saying you're not good at what you do, I'm just saying I'm better. I went in there and fixed her, like fixing a carburetor. And you know what? It was fun. Like fixing a carburetor." - Hank Hill
"Your heart is telling you? Who's the boss, you or your heart? You are! Your heart is your employee! So get your heart off its butt and back to work!"- Hank Hill
LUANNE: You know, they make ice cream with cookie dough already in it.
HANK: Damn, sister, get me my keys!
Bonus quotes:
"I did what you couldn't do. Now, I'm not saying you're not good at what you do, I'm just saying I'm better. I went in there and fixed her, like fixing a carburetor. And you know what? It was fun. Like fixing a carburetor." - Hank Hill
"Your heart is telling you? Who's the boss, you or your heart? You are! Your heart is your employee! So get your heart off its butt and back to work!"- Hank Hill
Friday, January 05, 2007
Growth and catastrophe
In the cells, the shrinking to microtubules is due to catastrophic events. And since microtubules are dynamic, they often cycle between growing and shrinking. Why exactly am I talking about microtubules? Well I feel like microtubules are a good analogy to the number of people at home over the winter holidays. At one point, there were 15 people at the house (four were under the age of two) and now we are back down to just 3 (soon to be two after I go back to Iowa). I loved having everyone at home (even though it got a bit noisy at times). But now everyone has returned to their homes. We had our delayed Christmas on the morning of 3oth. I was so excited to give my presents. I was able to finish a lap quilt for my mom, but I wasn't able to finish the king-size quilt for my sister Rachel. Hopeful I will get it done in the near future. I was able to surprise my brother-in-law Trey with the Johnny Cash Children's album. And Bridget was happy with the quilting fabric I picked out for her (it was two weeks of fun and trying to get a good variety of fabric). Soon I will be heading back to Iowa and back to lab work and writing.
"I need hard copies! I could lose everything, Hank. Seven-letter Boggle words, my Peggy Hill self-abridged Thesaurus, musings, ponderings on their way to being musings -- "rap music, wrapping paper?" I know I can crack that nut."- Peggy Hill
"I need hard copies! I could lose everything, Hank. Seven-letter Boggle words, my Peggy Hill self-abridged Thesaurus, musings, ponderings on their way to being musings -- "rap music, wrapping paper?" I know I can crack that nut."- Peggy Hill
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