Tuesday, February 20, 2007

In case I missed chopping away at a glacier

This morning, I went to the lab to start doing PCR and found that the -80 freezer was not working. Not only did I get to move all the boxes and samples but I got wipe out the entire freezer as well as do my PCR and purification. So my day was pretty busy. And the rest of my week will be busy as well. I have two plates I need to make to send for sequencing this week. I also will be collecting rat blood and preparing to my in vitro exposure experiment this week as well. So wish me luck that I won't go crazy this week.

"Explode Bobby! Stick of dynamite!" - Hank Hill


Bridget said...

good luck- but aren't you already there? crazy? :) love you

Lise M. said...

sounds like a yucky job on top of all the other stuff you need to get done...sorry I can't help! No, B, she's not REALLY already crazy - she just acts like it once in a while - but then, don't we all?
Miss you...
Love you...

Rachel said...

Yeah, I remember this happening on the -80 in my lab in grad school. People would spend 10 minutes selecting what they wanted and it caused all this ice to build up, which eventually would stop the door from closing.