Monday, February 19, 2007

A New Theory

In music there is a thing called a sophomore slump in which the second album is not as good as the first album. I think there is a similar thing in television but it a junior slump (the third season). There are three shows that I watched that had or are having a poor third season. The show "Alias" had two really strong season and then everything went to pot in the third season due to mismanagement of situations put forward at the end of the second season. "Lost" had such a phenomenal TV-altering first season. It really helped create a resurgence in serial dramas that are highly character driven (compared to procedural dramas like "CSI:" and "Law and Order"). But the third season just isn't as good (and it seemed like the writers don't seem to have a larger picture in mind). And the last show is "Veronica Mars". The first season featured a spunky of main character and was funny and highly enjoyable. And know in the third season the show has not only lost its spark, but the main character is coming off as a judgmental bitch. All I know is that if I ever create a TV show, I am only going to have two seasons. It just seems like some shows start to run out of gas after a couple years.

For all of you that has tried to learn to drive a stick shift:
"The left brake's not working!"-Dale Gribble

1 comment:

Bridget said...

you can only really rely on the cartoon tv shows these days...