Monday, April 23, 2007

Slowly collapse like a flan in the cupboard

Things in the lab have been going pretty well, but very busy. I went in for about 8 hours over the weekend, which actually wasn't that bad because there wasn't as many people in the lab so fewer people asking me about 30 questions each and trying to share equipment. Which was one of the problems that I had today. There is a labmate that I mentioned previously who is difficult to work with mostly because she feels that her work takes precedence over everyone else's work. Everyone else that I share lab space with tries to work together so everyone can use the equipment and space with as few problems as possible. The equipment that everyone was sharing (about 5 people) today was the centrifuge. At about 3 pm, the bitchy girl comes in and claims that everyone using the centrifuge was getting in the way because her experiment is time sensitive. It would be logically for her to tell us in the lab that she would need the centrifuge at regular intervals so we could plan around it (since we were already planning around 5 people). By the way, the girl never comes in on the weekend and leaves without fail at 5pm. So it is any wonder that working on the weekend is more enjoyable?

DALE: I have more pressures than any of you. You ever try replacing a cockroach's blood with root beer?
HANK: You know I haven't.
DALE: Then don't judge me.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Ah, this is the classic scenario. You know you've reached a certain level of knowledge when you prefer to come in nights and weekends to avoid people bothering you.