Saturday, May 26, 2007

A 45 second minute

The title comes from a description I made of the power supply I am using to run gels for the past week. Either the internal clock on the power supply is off (and running fast) or I have lost the ability to tell time. I am really close to setting a defense date for my thesis, either July 2nd or 3rd. My third committee member will be leaving town on the fourth and be gone until August so that kind of made the first few days of the July the best days. I don't really mind have my defense early in the month, that means that I can leave Iowa earlier. I am so close to being done with my research. I have already prepared about 56 of my samples to be sequenced. I also have maybe four more papers that I want to get and then I can start really writing my background (instead of just organizing it my head). I am planning on making a rough outline this weekend. So for the first time in a while, I actually feel confident that I am going to graduate in the foreseeable future (so please don't rain on my parade!). I got to expand my baking repertoire yesterday when I made a devil's food cake for a labmate's birthday. I meant to take a picture of the cake to post but I forgot.

" Oh, dang, someone's coming! Lie back and think of England. Hugh Grant. Spice Girls. Paddington!" - Bobby Hill

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