Wednesday, August 22, 2007

One more thing

Yesterday, I heard back from an HR person at Pace Analytical (located in the Twin Cities) who told me the managers are very excited to talk to me. And then today I set-up a second phone interview on Friday morning. What I really like about this company is that they do both human based toxicology and environmental toxicology (which means those four years of undergrad would not be wasted!). The HR person I spoke to was really nice and personable (isn't that what she should be?). Plus she was apologetic at the delay in the response from her. I will be sure to put an update after I talk with the managers on Friday.

BOBBY: Please, Dad, can we please pay paintball?
HANK: Now, hold on a minute -- let's see, they give you kids guns and let you shoot at each other? Yeah, okay.

1 comment:

Bridget said...

yahoo twin cities!!