That is what I exclaimed when I saw the end of "In the Heat of the Night". Since I've watched so many episodes of Law and Order and read so many Agatha Christie mysteries, I can usually pick up on certain clues and at least have an inkling of the ending. But not with this movie, even so I enjoyed it. I like Sidney Poitier at lot, but I must say I enjoy him more in movies like To Sir with Love and Lilies of the Field than The Defiant Ones and In the Heat of the Night. I also finally saw the PBS adaptation of Mansfield Park, which was better than the BBC Adaptation of Persuasion, but not as good as the Andrew Davies adaption of Northanger Abbey (or Pride and Prejudice). I couldn't believe how much Mansfield Park got compressed (to only 1 and 1/2 hours!). Of all Austen novels, Mansfield Park is my least favorite mostly because I think that Fanny is the hardest heroine to like. And I also have problems with Edmund (the hero), he kind of a milquetoast and completely obvious to that fact that Fanny is in love with him. This plot device sometimes drives me crazy which is odd because some books that I really like have that as part of the story ( for example Roger and Molly in Wives and Daughters and David and Agnes in David Copperfield). But that could be because the secondary characters are more interesting than those in Mansfield Park (which is another reason that Mansfield Park is my least favorite, the secondary characters in that book are boring and not very likable).
"The clock radio smells like my Game Boy, but it tastes like my library card. I wonder if it smells different when it's on?" - Bobby
Monday, June 30, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Weekend gone by
This past weekend, I visited Rachel, Trey, and Ellis mostly to be a companion to Rachel while Trey was at a networking function for most of the weekend. I helped Rachel run errands (and reign in Ellis) on Saturday and then we met Trey downtown for a delicious dinner at a place that specializes in Central American cuisine (I had some really good tamales with excellent guacamole). And then Rachel and I watched a movie while Trey put Ellis to bed. We also watched episodes of the Simpsons from the first season (back when the show was still really funny and well written). Since I have moved, I've been looking for a nice sized table for my sewing/guest room. On Sunday, Rachel took me to Ikea (the first time I'd ever been there) and helped me pick out both a table and a really nice chair (that is really comfortable, which will be nice when I am quilting on the frame). i finally finished putting it together (I broke down and purchased a screw gun, my arm got tired) so here a picture of my swanky new set-up:

The trunk to the right of the table is the trunk that I found at a garage sale over Memorial Day weekend that is now full of quilting fabric (and the plant is basil, this room gets some really good sun during the day).
DOCTOR COLE: Just have your office send over your worker's compensation forms, and I'll sign off on them.
HANK: Worker's comp? Do I look like a hobo to you? No, sir, I am not going on welfare.
DOCTOR COLE: If you insist on working, I'll write you a prescription for pain medicine.
HANK: Whoa there, Dr. Feelgood, I work at a propane dealership, not Woodstock.
DOCTOR COLE: Then I'm sorry, but all Western medicine can really offer you are drugs and nothing. But some people have had good luck with yoga. I hear there's a studio over in McMaynerbury.
HANK: Yoga? Isn't that a cult?
DOCTOR COLE: The group that rented the space before them was a cult. That's probably what you're thinking of.

The trunk to the right of the table is the trunk that I found at a garage sale over Memorial Day weekend that is now full of quilting fabric (and the plant is basil, this room gets some really good sun during the day).
DOCTOR COLE: Just have your office send over your worker's compensation forms, and I'll sign off on them.
HANK: Worker's comp? Do I look like a hobo to you? No, sir, I am not going on welfare.
DOCTOR COLE: If you insist on working, I'll write you a prescription for pain medicine.
HANK: Whoa there, Dr. Feelgood, I work at a propane dealership, not Woodstock.
DOCTOR COLE: Then I'm sorry, but all Western medicine can really offer you are drugs and nothing. But some people have had good luck with yoga. I hear there's a studio over in McMaynerbury.
HANK: Yoga? Isn't that a cult?
DOCTOR COLE: The group that rented the space before them was a cult. That's probably what you're thinking of.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Someone please explain to me
It is getting pretty hot here and as a result a strange phenomenon that I never understand is back: men driving without shirts on. Where are they going? They obviously are not going to any business or running errands. So does the heck are they doing or going? The only thing that I can think of is these men are just driving around for fun which is another thing that I don't get. It could be that living in a very small town where driving down the main drag lasts for about 3 minutes (5 if you really want to slow down) has led me to missing the appeal of cruising.
HANK: Boomhauer, where'd everybody go?
BOOMHAUER: Yeah, man, I tell you what, man, I took Dale to the dang ol' truck... muffler fallin' off, man, ain't got no brakes, sparks flyin' everywhere... I told him, man, you wanna fix that thing, use dang ol' duct tape, man.
HANK: What? They took Bobby to Snapz?
HANK: Boomhauer, where'd everybody go?
BOOMHAUER: Yeah, man, I tell you what, man, I took Dale to the dang ol' truck... muffler fallin' off, man, ain't got no brakes, sparks flyin' everywhere... I told him, man, you wanna fix that thing, use dang ol' duct tape, man.
HANK: What? They took Bobby to Snapz?
Monday, June 02, 2008
That fact is only increasing my contempt
I've been really stressed the past two days at work, trying to get a report finalized and mailed to the client. I finally got it done today, but not without much gnashing of teeth. The report was not mine, I was finishing it for a writer who has since transferred back to the department he came from (he in fact had never finalized a report and his supervisor was really busy, so there were several of my co-workers finishing the writer's work). For about 5 minutes, I was worried that I wouldn't get the report done today, but fortunately one of my co-workers knew exactly how to fix the problem (and he asked me if this was a report that belonged to a writer who left which led to the comment that was used for the title). One good thing about this mess was now I know how to fix this problem in the future.
"Do it, you monkey boy! I'm the boss of you!"-Jimmy Witchard
"Do it, you monkey boy! I'm the boss of you!"-Jimmy Witchard
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