This past weekend, I visited Rachel, Trey, and Ellis mostly to be a companion to Rachel while Trey was at a networking function for most of the weekend. I helped Rachel run errands (and reign in Ellis) on Saturday and then we met Trey downtown for a delicious dinner at a place that specializes in Central American cuisine (I had some really good tamales with excellent guacamole). And then Rachel and I watched a movie while Trey put Ellis to bed. We also watched episodes of the Simpsons from the first season (back when the show was still really funny and well written). Since I have moved, I've been looking for a nice sized table for my sewing/guest room. On Sunday, Rachel took me to Ikea (the first time I'd ever been there) and helped me pick out both a table and a really nice chair (that is really comfortable, which will be nice when I am quilting on the frame). i finally finished putting it together (I broke down and purchased a screw gun, my arm got tired) so here a picture of my swanky new set-up:

The trunk to the right of the table is the trunk that I found at a garage sale over Memorial Day weekend that is now full of quilting fabric (and the plant is basil, this room gets some really good sun during the day).
DOCTOR COLE: Just have your office send over your worker's compensation forms, and I'll sign off on them.
HANK: Worker's comp? Do I look like a hobo to you? No, sir, I am not going on welfare.
DOCTOR COLE: If you insist on working, I'll write you a prescription for pain medicine.
HANK: Whoa there, Dr. Feelgood, I work at a propane dealership, not Woodstock.
DOCTOR COLE: Then I'm sorry, but all Western medicine can really offer you are drugs and nothing. But some people have had good luck with yoga. I hear there's a studio over in McMaynerbury.
HANK: Yoga? Isn't that a cult?
DOCTOR COLE: The group that rented the space before them was a cult. That's probably what you're thinking of.
tres chic! the table looks great and the chair is super retro and looks comfy. ikea is such a fun place, but you have to be careful or you can really go crazy and buy way too much stuff! i know rachel enjoyed your company and your help. you're such a good sister...aunt...and daughter! love you.
The table and chair look great! The chair is even cuter than I remember and it looks like the whole set up is on the perfect scale for the space.
And of course, thanks again for your visit and all your help.
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