Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Like making Mayonnaise

If there are some readers of this blog that I don't talk to on a regular basis (which there are probably none), then you most likely don't know that I am currently living in Vermont with my sister Rachel and taking care of her new(ish) baby. I left my job in January and within a month I was out in Vermont. During this transitional phase, I've been thinking about the kind of career I want (since I was only really every lukewarm about my last job). And to that end, I've been seeing a career counselor to help figure all that out (hopefully I will write a post about in the next couple of days). In addition, Rachel (using her usual subtle ways) has encouraged me to start taking classes or doing other things that I didn't really have time for before (I am considering learning how to sail and I was not living in cities near a huge water source). There is a really nice herb shop near Burlington so Rachel and I took a lotion making class there a few weeks ago. Lucy and I, in addition to experimenting with making our own soap, have had some interest in branching out and making other cosmetics ourselves. The lotion class was really informative especially since I was familiar with some of the oils used (like coconut, sweet almond, jojoba, etc) but only in the context/use in soaps. In the end, making lotion is like making mayonnaise in that you are trying to get oils and water to mix. Rachel and I hope to start making some lotion ourselves soon, so stay tuned and maybe I will post some pictures of our progress.

"Apparently this door has some kind of anti-opening device." - Dale Gribble

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is good to hear from you again!
And you are doing career planning----I am so pleased for you. Keep it up!