Sunday, December 15, 2013

Thor: The Dark World

So rather than try to make a coherent and cohesive post about Thor, I'm just going to use the trusty bullet list:

  • I love Tom Hiddleston.  I think he is great actor and never takes himself to seriously (which is fun).  And he is clearly having a good time play Loki, which is unsurprising because he gets to be completely bananas in this part. 
  • I enjoyed the dichotomy of the uber-muscular Chris Hemworth fighting next to the slight Tom Hiddleston.  
  • It is hard to go wrong when you cast Christopher Eccleston as the villain (who I recognized almost immediately by he voice, even though he was speaking an alien language).  
  • Apparently, there are no barbers in Asgard, since both Thor and Loki have much longer hair compared to the first Thor movie (maybe they were too busy).  
  • They recast one of the minor characters with a more famous actor (Zachary Levi).  I kept looking at the actor and saying, "Is that a different guy? I think so."
  • Clearly, the writers realized what they had and expanded the role of Idris Elba.  And made him even more awesome, he takes down a spaceship single-handedly. 
  • Like the first Thor movie, there were so many helmets.  

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