Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Agent Carter!

After not writing posts for a few months, I've gone a little crazy in making up for it today.  I meant to write about how much I was enjoying Agent Carter when it was on in February, but I was filling all my free time with movies from TCM.  But Agent Carter is on my mind now because it got renewed for a second season last week!  And I am so happy because I adored this show.  It was a great little 6 episode story that was fun, fast, and fabulous.  It was really good to see a female action protagonist and Haley Atwell is just so fun to watch.  A lot of the fight scenes reminded me of Alias and there is nothing wrong with that!.  Haley Atwell had great chemistry with all the other actors and she always looked like she was enjoying herself in the role.  She was my favorite part in the first Captain America movie so it was nice to see some of the gaps in her story-lined filled.  Although, I loved the show, I hope they stick to the 6 episode order.  That seemed like a good amount of time to tell an interesting story without padding it out to filled 13 or 22 episodes (writing a show that is not really a procedure and relies quite a bit of show mythology can be difficult and not everyone can pull it off easily or consistently).  I would rather have 2 or 3 short but consistently good seasons with these characters that 4 or 5 longer and uneven seasons.  But I'm hopeful and glad that ABC renewed Agent Carter!

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