Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Expect some delays

okay, I know I promised a review of the Russia book, and I swear I am working on it! Tonight, instead of working on the review, I watched Paula Poundstone on Bravo. And she was hilarious (as I expected). I thought I would share one little gem from her routine. She said that she wished she had a degenerative disease because she already feels achy and tired, but if she had a degenerative disease everything she did would be courageous. "I would role out of bed at noon, and everyone would say she insisted on getting up. She just gives and gives until she has nothing left." Hopefully that will tide you off until my Russian review.

"Your dad's days of hating me are coming to a close. Who can hate a kid who can Charleston?" -Bobby Hill

And just because I love this quote, I can't resist:

"I'm glad I'm not the lama. The Chane Train stops for the ladies." - Chane Wasonasong

1 comment:

Lise M. said...

I'm trying to catch Paula on Bravo, but so far, I've missed two chances. Lucy has scheduled it for Monday afternoon, so maybe I can watch it then, too. Thanks for the reminder...and the preview!

Love you...