Thursday, November 02, 2006

It's The Gator- Mater

So yesterday, I watched the Pee Wee Herman live show on DVD. I haven't watched that since our house burned down in 2001. I underestimated how much of that show that I remembered. Meaning I spent almost the entire 58 minutes laughing so hard my stomach hurt. I been having kind of a crappy week, so watching some Pee Wee was just what I needed. I had to sort some slides and stain them this week. And of course at the semester is more than half over, I'm getting anxious to make some real progress on my thesis work. So I have been apprehensive about everything from when am I going to be finishing my thesis to what am I going to do after I graduate (if I graduate). All that worrying has affected my ability to go to sleep (because that it when I think about it). So hopefully I will calm down soon, so I can sleep. To make myself feel better, I have been getting Mystery Science Theater movies through Netflix. I watched "Hercules versus the moon men" that featured a never ending sandstorm scene. But Joel, Tom, and Crow made a some jokes about an L. Ron Hubbard book including: "How much money are we going to get out of Tom Cruise pg 54."

"Bill!! Bill, you have to be the stupidest man on the planet to think this is a good idea! Have you seen what you're wearing?! That outfit makes you look like a sequined train wreck! Look at you!! You're part of a twelve-headed Jackass! This chorus is the feces that is produced when shame eats too much stupidity! You people make me envy the deaf and the blind!" - Dale Gribble

Bonus Quote:
"Normally I'd tell you to go to my blog, but even that's being censored by Hank." - Dale Gribble

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