Sunday, January 14, 2007

Back-up singers and remakes

I'm watching an old John Denver concert on PBS and I can't help but be fascinated by the back-up singer just over his left shoulder. Firstly, there is only one back-up singer (not 2 or 3 which seems weird). Secondly, she keeps doing a strangest little dances for the songs. If you have ever heard any John Denver, you know that his music it not really dance music. So her dancing is just varying speeds of swaying and strange arm movement. And she reminds me of the back-up singers from the James Taylor tribute concert from a few months ago. One of the singers was a middle-aged white guy with glasses and long hair. I'm not saying that middle-aged men can't be back-up singers it just looked really weird.

On a completely unrelated note, a remake of the movie "The Hitcher" is being released this weekend. What I think is totally stupid, is that there is an ad for a sneak peek of the movie. Isn't the seeing the original movie a sneak peek? I can't believe how many remakes are getting made in the past very years. Thankfully most of the remakes are horror movies, hopefully I will never see a remake of "Citizen Kane" with Tom Cruise (or know of it's existence, if it does exist I can guarantee I will not see it).

"Damn zero-tolerance. Using a saw as a weapon makes about as much sense as using a gun to cut a two-by-four. That's how my dad built my tree house. How he cleaned it, too."- Hank Hill

1 comment:

Bridget said...

I just watched John Denver on the Muppets, he sang the garden song and G-m'a feather bed, It was really cute, but he is kind of a weird guy.
Oooh my word verification is goblin...creepy....