Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Pay attention because I don't want to have to fail you

So today, I felt a lot better about going to the lab and getting things done. Besides running PCR and purifying the PCR product, I also replaced the UV lamp on the water machine in the lab. Which reminds me of two things, one I don't understand why some lab machines use less common screws and two I love the toolbox in my car. The water machine in the lab uses a torque wrench (which I had in my toolbox). I am skeptical that most labs have that extensive of a toolbox. In my old lab at Purdue, I had to take apart a shelving unit that used hex bolts (again something that I have in my toolbox). I really do love my toolbox, it makes me feel like I can take apart or attempt to fix anything. My sister Lucy recently talked about something similar (when one of her co-workers said "Ask Lucy, she was raised like a boy"). Due to my childhood, I often think about the "typical" childhood of most girls my age. I am happy that I can change my own oil and work cows. Right now I am watching "Frontline/World" on PBS. They showed a short report about a terrorist cell in Toronto in which they interviewed a guy that infiltrated the cell before the cell was shut down. He said something about interesting about extremism. He said that being in the cell made him begin to think about joining the men( in the cell) with their jihad activities and that the wrong influences at critical points in life can completely alter your life. I've always wondered how someone becomes a fanatic for a cause, but maybe it only takes a few fanatics to create a huge movement.

OK, to let you all know that Frontline doesn't air only depressing stories, they aired a segment about "Play Pumps" which is a grassroots movement that installs little merry-go-rounds that can pump water while kids are playing on it. The guy who developed it was working in advertising in South Africa thought that women should not be spending to much time pumping water so he worked with an engineer to develop this merry-go-round/ water pump. The water gets stored in a little water tower and then the water runs to a tap. And the water tower has print public service announcements about HIV/AIDS awareness (which targets children specifically as they are the ones that are using the Play Pumps). Both the US government and rapper Jay-Z have raised/promised money to install these Play Pumps all over Africa.

"Wake up, Hank! These people kill 400,000 of their own satisfied customers every year!"-Dale Gribble


Rachel said...

That thing about the Play Pumps is sweet!
That there are engineers out there designing stuff like that, makes me feel like a complete failure as one. How do you get a job designing simple things like that that can make an improvement in people's lives?

Rachel said...

BTW, love you're ever expanding side bar. But I thought the P&P quote was "make sport FOR our neighbors"? Am I an idiot?

Catherine said...

I looked that quote up because I thought it was for as well. As far as designing things, I'm pretty sure that there are design contest run by company at all times. I thought the Play Pump thing was really cool as well since the guy is trying to address multiple problems at once.