Friday, April 13, 2007

Nobody puts baby in the corner

I saw an ad for Dirty Dancing and the fact that it will be shown in theaters in May (for 2 days) to celebrate the 20th anniversary. I'm not sure why it is being shown in theaters again. It's not like the viewing of the movie is enhanced by showing it on the big screen (and let's all admit the best thing about that movie is the soundtrack minus the weird Patrick Swayze song.) Maybe Patrick Swayze it trying to restart his career by reminding the American public that there was a five year period where he was on fire.

"I hear what you are saying. And I believe you believe it's important." - Hank Hill

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I didn't think DD was such a phenomenon that it required theatrical re-release. It's not Gone with Wind for goodness sake!