Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The turning of tides

For once, I have good news about my job search. I am meeting with the people from one of the labs at Purdue next Tuesday. I went to the website for the lab and they seem to be researching really interesting stuff involving membrane transport (and they seem to be publishing about two papers a year including this year in Nature). And today, I set up a phone interview for Thursday with a company in Ashland in Ohio. I will let you all know the outcome of the phone interview on Thursday.

"Give me liberty or give me death! But only the kind of liberty you find in a controlled, well-regulated society." - Dale Gribble

1 comment:

Lise M. said...

I'm so glad to hear some good (well, hopeful, anyway)new on the job search front. I'm sure you'll be fully employed (and sorely missed at home) before year end.