Monday, June 02, 2008

That fact is only increasing my contempt

I've been really stressed the past two days at work, trying to get a report finalized and mailed to the client. I finally got it done today, but not without much gnashing of teeth. The report was not mine, I was finishing it for a writer who has since transferred back to the department he came from (he in fact had never finalized a report and his supervisor was really busy, so there were several of my co-workers finishing the writer's work). For about 5 minutes, I was worried that I wouldn't get the report done today, but fortunately one of my co-workers knew exactly how to fix the problem (and he asked me if this was a report that belonged to a writer who left which led to the comment that was used for the title). One good thing about this mess was now I know how to fix this problem in the future.

"Do it, you monkey boy! I'm the boss of you!"-Jimmy Witchard

1 comment:

Lise M. said...

So glad to hear the report is sent and sorry it had you stressed out. Sounds like some good came of the exercise and that you are solving problems well. Keep up the good work, sweetie!