Over the summer, I watched an musical with Judy Holliday called "Bells are Ringing". In the movie, Judy Holliday's character works at a telephone answering service called Susanaphone. And I admit there are times that I want to answer the phone by saying "Susanaphone". There is also this song I love by a British group with a line "I tried to call on your answerphone" which again makes me want to use Susanaphone. Anyway if you have a chance to see "Bells are Ringing" I highly recommend it. Even though Dean Martin is in it, Judy Holliday is so cute. And my mom told me that my grandma Diane really liked that movie so that of course made me much more receptive to it.
"Boyce Hubert, minister. Although I've lost my faith. 'Course, I did find a pretty great parking space on my way in. But the Lord works in such mysterious ways, who the hell knows?" - Boyce Hubert
Bonus Quote: "I'm not sure if there's a God, or a heaven, but one thing I can tell you, your daddy's going to Hell." - Boyce Hubert (to Hank about Cotton Hill).
I'm making a list of "classic" movies for a friend, and I forgot "bells are Ringing" -thanks for reminding me. I think, though, that the phone service was "Susansaphone", trying to make it sound more like "answer-phone". Do you remember the name of the brassier company (a little modeling on the side)?
I agree Judy Holliday is such a cutie. I was so mad when they remade Born Yesterday- as if that nitwit Melanie Griffith could do half the job.
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