Friday, November 03, 2006

Please allow me a few minutes on my soapbox.

As part of my TA duties for my class (Environmental Health), I am update the slides and notes for the web-based course. I am starting on the slides about the ecosystem and the notes mention the importance of maintaining biodiversity because some plants and animals could have therapeutic value to human. And I can't help but think, why can't we maintain biodiversity so the ecosystem doesn't get all wonky? Why is the only reason to protect something is because it might be helpful to human one day? Can't we just protect species so our children's children actually know what the natural habitat for a lemur is (as opposed to a zoo enclosure)? Maybe it's just me, but it seems that protection of the environment for human-centric reason sort of got us in the mess we are in now. But then again maybe the ends justify the needs, and it should not matter the exact reason for maintaining biodiversity as long as it is being maintained.

Reading Around the World update: I have about 25 more pages for Russia, I should have my first review for this project by Monday!

"I've seen some things that I have never seen before. Like the sunrise, morning dew, and snails on the sidewalk. I never want to see those things again." - Bobby Hill


Rachel said...

I agree with you, but a lot of people do seem to need a "reason" to maintain biodiverstiy. Crazy.

Anne said...

Please send the website..... maybe I'll use some of your slides for my slide shows.. we're just finishing Ecology in Bio. I'm not above using someone else's ideas!thanks in advance.