Monday, March 19, 2007

Be well, do good work and keep in touch

In Friday's post, I mentioned that I have an exposure experiment that will keep in the lab for most of Saturday and part of Sunday. It actully wasn't too bad mostly because I had decided to download some podcasts to my ipod. So on Saturday morning while I was exposing some blood cells and setting the whole experiment up, I got to listen to Garrison Keillor's News from Lake Wobegon and his Writer's Almanac (source of the title). And then for the rest of the time that I spent in the lab (including when I was there from 9:45 to 11:30pm) I listen to NPR books. This program is basically a collection of book reviews from various NPR shows like "Fresh Air" and "All Things Considered". So my weekend in the lab was quite enjoyable. And I found out about a couple really interesting books that I want to check out.

"I don't think I can ever go back to cocoa!" - Bobby Hill (after drinking coffee)

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