Friday, March 23, 2007

On the bright side...

As a public health student, I try to stay abreast of public health situations around the world (also because I have always been interested in infectious diseases). Anyway, the United Nations announced yesterday, that a highly virulent strain of tuberculosis known as XDR-TB (Extremely Drug Resistant TB) has been detected in France, Ireland, Israel, Canada, portion of the former Soviet Union, and the United States. This strain has been commonly found in parts of Africa especially due the increased susceptibility of AIDS patients to TB. The expected morality rate of an outbreak of XDR -TB in South Africa is 85% A less virulent strain of TB known as Multiple Drug Resistant TB (MDR-TB). TB is also a major problems in parts of Asia, specifically China and Indonesia. Yesterday was World TB day (read the article here) But the good news is that Eli Lilly has donated $50 million dollars to help supply treatments and enhance surveillance in South Africa. TB is very difficult to track so providing funding for surveillance is key to control/contain epidemics (read the whole article here).

"Oh man. What kind of lefty hootenanny is this?" - Dale Gribble

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