Friday, March 16, 2007

I knew, the way you know a good melon

I met with my adviser today. Before Spring Break, we decided that I would continue working on the Big Blue assay and stop working on a in vitro blood exposure experiment. Or so I thought. Today she completely blindsided me by saying that on Saturday morning, we (mostly me) are going to start this experiment. As a result, I was in the lab until 7:30pm making the PCBs that I need for the experiment (which wasn't too bad because Jim (the PhD student I work with a lot) was nice enough to help me before he left for the day). So now I have to spend my weekend on this stupid experiment (that will mostly likely not even be in my thesis) instead of trying to actual get completely over my cold. And then there is another rat kill on Wednesday as well as starting to isolate DNA from rat lungs for my Big Blue assay. Tonight, to help me maintain my sanity, I am watching "When Harry Met Sally" . Then I will try to get through the weekend (as Jim told me before he left "One day at a time"). I think Jim has had very similar problems that I have with my adviser (basically she takes forever to make a decision, and even then she may continue to modify that decision) so he is the person who is most helpful to me. I will update about this situation more later.

" I am shocked by your behavior! Can't you see we are here to heal?" - Bobby Hill


Rachel said...

Pobre Katrinka! I hate when that happens :(

Your friend is right, though, just try to get done what you can each day. You'll get there!

Bridget said...

that stinks! projects at work always took three times as long as expected/planned thanks to people changing their minds. if it's any comfort this happens to people everywhere, so hang in there. love you

Lise M. said...

Sorry they're giving you crap, Catherine. And sorry I wasn't aware of it till now - I spent all day Saturday visiting with Susan and helping find a new chair for G-ma. My sympathies, sweetie. Wish I could do something to make you feel better...
Hope things look better in the morning - fresh, with no mistakes in it - YET!
Love you, Mom