Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A sprinkling after a dry spell

I do mean to blog more than I have in the past month (but not blogging is preventing from complaining about searching for a job too much). The job search is going alright and I have learned with job sites are better. Hotjobs (through Yahoo!) is my favorite mostly because there are no solicitations on the websites (as there is on Monster). Plus the only emails I get are updated results from a job search unlike both Careerbuilder and Monster. I get stupid like reminders from both those sites including most job seekers apply for 3 jobs before landing a job (oh thanks Careerbuilder, I have been rejected from 3 jobs, thanks for your encouragement) and that a higher education can make it easier to land a job (um, Monster that hasn't really worked out for me yet). But I heard back about one of the lab jobs at Purdue asking for some references (it is for a molecular biology lab looking at ATP pumps in the cell).
In anticipation of company tomorrow night, I spent most of the day sweeping the entire downstairs (and I'm planning on sweeping once a week so the cleaning for Rachel, Bridget, and Lucy's homecoming won't be too bad). But the cleaning wasn't bad at all because mom bought a Dyson a few weeks ago (this is the model we have). I love this vacuum cleaner! It is really easy to clean out and the utilizing the attachments can be done quickly and you can use it on both carpet and bare floors. I always like to use stuff that has been well engineered and the user was actually taken into consideration during the design process.

"No, turn the other one!!"-Hank


lucy said...

and also i recommended the dyson

Henry said...

Just once a week? I know how often Rachel made you sweep and it wasn't once a week. I could leave her there and extra month if you need reconditioning.

Catherine said...

Rachel made me sweep daily, but that was in summer, there is a lot more dust in summer than the winter, (and more people/animals with long hair, once Scout is reunited with you in Boston, the amount of hair in the house will severely decrease).