One of my goals in life is to visit every country in the world (or at least every continent). This may never happen, so I have decided to embark on a related and possibly easier plan. I am going to read a book from every country in the world. So what do I hope to get out of this experience? I do want to broaden my literature horizon, I usually like to read British authors or historical novels. I hope by reading more authors, I can appreciate new perspectives. I plan on posting updates of my progress on this blog. So stay tuned for more. . .
"Bobby, why don't you go look in the Adventure section? Anything about a boy with gumption should be fine." -Hank Hill (advising Bobby at the book store)
Bonus quote:
"(reading): "The elf-lord Flyfandel knelt upon the bed of dandelions. 'Young wanderer,' quoth he, 'I have woven you a magic breastplate'"-- Ugh! Bobby, television!" - Hank Hill
that is a great idea catherine! maybe i will join you on this mission.
Hmm, how will you define the books as being from a country? Have to be published there? Or the author must be a native of that country? Do you think you can actually find books in English from every country in the world?
The author has to be born there and spend at least a few years (10-20) years there. There's been a couple countries already that I haven't been able to find books (like Andorra) and there are a few that I can only find translated on-line (like Belarus). My list has almost 200 countries so I figure it will take a couple years so hopefully there will be some published works.
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