Sunday, October 22, 2006

Xanax Salad Sprinkles

Every Sunday, when 1pm rolls around, I listen to prairie Home Companion. And sadly, it is becoming the highlight of the week. For almost two hours straight, I listen to Garrison Keillor and company while I do some reading or wash dishes. And giggle... a lot. I don't think words can really express how much I love Prairie Home Companion. There is something that is so appealing to me about the homespun silliness (and charm) of the show. From the episode of Guy Noir to the fake commercials (like the one from this week advertising Xanax Salad Sprinkles as a pick-me-up for these dark fall days) to the music (sometimes the music parodies as well), there is always something that makes me feel better. Paul Simon turned 65 this week, so they had a music parody of "Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme" about going into a retirement home that was so funny I couldn't stop laughing (it included a line about buying a flannel shirt (instead of cambric) in plaid because it hides the dirt). But I think that why I always feel better after listening to Prairie Home Companion is that it reminds me of my mom and being home on the farm. So after a stressful week of school, for two hours a week, I just get to think about home and nothing else. And that is magic of Garrison Keillor.

HANK: Bobby, how would you like to help me out around the shop for a few days? I can't pay you, but you can have all the snacks you want. We've got fruit pies, pretzels, all kinds of Newtons...
BOBBY: You had me at "fruit pies."

Bonus Quote:
"Uncle Hank, you're in denial"- Luanna Platter

1 comment:

Rachel said...

It probably reminds you of Mom because it's so punny!

Trey always loved PHC and it did always feel very homey to listen to it on Saturday evenings while making dinner.