Sunday, October 29, 2006

A Slice of Fried Gold

Daylight savings time, I curse you! For twenty+ years, I never had to deal with the bi-annual changing of every clock in your possession. But now that I am living in Iowa, I do have to change my clocks. The first year was not so bad I was totally on top of changing my clocks. But this year, I totally forgot. And it wasn't until I consulted the clock on my laptop and then the clock on the wall (at about 11am, after I had already been up for about 4 hours) that I remembered it was time for the clock switching. The worse part is that Indiana has finally fell under the spell of daylight savings times, which means I have no idea what the time difference is between me in Iowa and everyone else I might want to call. That is the total disadvantage of being a moron (about daylight saving time which I all I will admit to being a moron about). In other news, this blog has reached a (semi)-milestone, this post is the 60th post of the blog. So thank you all for willingly reading my semi-coherent rantings about everything under the sun. And for enjoying my King of the Hill quotes that end the posts. There is something totally gratifying in knowing people will make a little time in their day to see how you are doing (or thinking).

CLERK: Okay, the tag says they need food and water and dirt and sun and love.
BOBBY: Can I substitute extra love for sun? I kind of have to hide these in my bedroom closet.
CLERK: No way, man. That'd be going against the tag. Unless... okay, I know someone who can help you, but the problem is that he's at another store, and you're like, at this store.
BOBBY: I have a bike.
CLERK: Oh, that changes everything.

Bonus Quote:
"...So I finally got up the nerve to ask Nancy for a raise in my allowance. It did not go well."- Dale Gribble

(In case you were wondering, the title came from the strange but extremely funny movie "Shaun of the Dead")

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