Thursday, March 15, 2007

Ok I believe you

I went home to surprise my parents (and sister who was surprising my dad for his birthday) last weekend. I was planning on returning back to school on Monday afternoon. Unfortunately, I think the stress and lack of sleep during the previous week finally got to me and I got a really bad cold. I was able to rearrange my meeting with my PI and was able to stay at home until Thursday which was really nice. I got to make soap and check bees with my sister Lucy (ah... just like old times). After she returned to CO, I got to spend lots of time with my mom and dad. I went to the movies with my mom on Sunday night after spending most of the day working on the Sunday crossword. And I got to watch "Cash in the Attic" on BBC America. I don't get BBC America at my apartment and I have been going through serious withdrawal! Even though I was sick, I had a very nice and relaxing time at home, which was exactly what I needed.

"I will take care of it, Hank. Luanne scares easily. That plays into my strengths." - Peggy Hill

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Glad you finally took some time to relax- even it was a vacation "enforced" by your body :)