Thursday, October 26, 2006

Check your barn doors

So I got the famous Halloween package from my mom today. Let me tell you, it was the best package that I have ever gotten. She sent all sorts of gummy goodies, lotion, ponytail holders and headband (truly a women after my own heart, I can never have too many hair things) and some really cute socks (which I one thing I love about my mom, I can always count on getting cute socks from her around the holidays). Also in the package is our family's fall staple, candy corn mixed with dried roasted peanut (the perfect mix of salty and sweet). But the highlight of the whole package, my own DVD copy of "Prairie Home Companion" movie (which is the origin of the title). It was just as lovely as I remembered when I saw it over the summer with my mom. It was still funny and bittersweet at the same time. And the music was so wonderful and fab. So now, I don't need to wait a week to get my Garrison Fix.

"Did you mean for the words to come out like that, or did they just come out randomly?"- Hank Hill

Bonus Quotes:
"I didn't think that I was possible to feel both ignored and violated."- Hank Hill

"I am your worst nightmare. I have a three line phone and nothing but time on my hands" - Dale Gribble


lucy said...

and i demand my $36 dollars of service

Rachel said...

Yes, aren't those mom packages wonderful?

I think it would probably be best if you brought that DVD over the Germany with you ;)