Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Inside the Mind of a Bibliophile

So, I will be flying from the Midwest to Germany over Thanksgiving vacation. And the first thing that I think about in terms of packing is not what clothes am I going to pack? No, it's what books should I take? How much time would I have to read while I'm there. Should I pack thick books or several thin books? How bad is my addiction? Really bad. I have a book in my bookbag for readding on the bus and one in my purse. I'm reading this memoir about another bibliophile and I am able to give a name to a common practice : doublebooking. This means reading several books at the same time. Currently I am quadruplebooking. "The Life of Pi" is my purse-book, my bus book is "A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich", I have a book to read while I am brushing my teeth (in the bathroom) which is "So Many Books, So Little Time" and then a "pop" novel to read for about 15mins before bed (to relax my mind). The key when you are double or triplebooking, is to make sure that the books are different enough to not run together (thus I advise against doublebooking with "David Copperfield" and "Great Expectations"). But doublebooking might be why I am giving myself plenty of time to finish my "Reading Around the World" project.

DALE: Yeah, man, I tell you what, man, dang ol' detector, man, government take away freedom of smoke, talkin' 'bout yo, man.
HANK: Yeah, man, I tell you what, man, dang ol' boy ain't right, man, talkin' 'bout kick your ass, man.
BOOMHAUER: For God's sake, Hank, act like an adult. And keep it down, guys, will you? I am trying to get through an article on vintage Camaros, and I've been on the same dang page for twenty minutes.
BILL: Dang ol' pretty pretty pizza, man, I tell you what.

Bonus Quote:
"B-A- Bay, B-E Be, B-I- Bicky Bi B-O Bo, Bicky Bi Bo!"- Dale Gribble


Rachel said...

Funny post. How are you finding the Life of Pi? I liked it, though found it dragged a bit in the middle. I identified most with the part where he was trying to get the solar still going and curses his lack of ability to tie proper knots. I, regretably, suffer from the same affliction.

Also, rest assured there are a few books here available for you during your stay.

elizabeth said...

I am so glad that someone else has multiple books going at the same time! Rob just thinks it's weird...

lucy said...

you make me feel stupid because i'm not even singlebooking

Catherine said...

I've just started the "Life of Pi" so I haven't gotten to the middle yet. Multiple booking is a testament of a person's ability to multitask! And Lucy- I don't think I am start for mutliple booking, I think that books are my own version of crack (so I am getting my fix often!)