Thursday, October 19, 2006

An Open Apology To Gaston Leroux

Sorry Gaston, but I have to nix you from of my reading list. I am almost eighty pages into "Phantom of the Opera" and I just can't get into it. I think that I am just not a gothic girl. I love Northanger Abbey which just makes fun of gothic novels. But I tried, I really tried. Instead I am going to read "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" by Alexander Solzhenitsyn for Russia. And Gaston, you have been replaced on the list. For France, I am going to read "Wind, Sand, & Stars" by Antoine de Saint-Exupery (who wrote "The Little Prince"). This book it about his solo flights during and before World War II. (He disappeared during a flight). And I have been wanting to read this book for a while now.
In other interesting news, I was cutting through the basement of the hospital were the photos of all the former med students are posted and a picture caught my eye. It was for Dr. Katz. That's right, Dr. Katz exists. He probably does not have a completely idiot son named Ben (who has a little stuffed bull) but I can hope!

"It's hot and the tray is heavy. My boss calls me Tommy and watches TV in a hot dog suit and I think he might be a moron."-Bobby Hill


Lise M. said...

I admire your reading project - but I would choose them for length! It is a HUGE project for someone who has to study and prepare a thesis! By the way, your dishdome is being "carved" as we speak - domestic mail takes less time, so you will have it by Halloween (and so will Lucy)! Bridget just spoiled the suprise with a public (tho appreciated) post of gratitude. Love you!

lucy said...

so you owe me 88888888 dollars

Catherine said...

"You told him to listen to Jimmy Wishard? He used to be in my gun club and they say he fried his brains staring at the sun." -Dale Gribble